Thursday, August 20, 2009

Avoid the oil!

Many of us cannot go a day without feeling the need to wash our hair because of the excess oil it creates. Washing your hair less often is beneficial because it keep the oils your hair needs to stay moisturized and keeps the scalp in good condition. Washing your hair at least every other day is less work and more beneficial to your hair, but it can create an oily look. I've found that if you sick it out a week or two with only washing your hair every other day, your hair gets used to not producing as much oil. This allows a healthier scalp, hair and less oil productivity. While you're sticking it out there are ways to hide the oil in your hair, my favorite and the cheapest way is to just use baby powder, sprinkle a small amount in your and and rub it trough out your scalp (be careful if you hair dark hair to not use too much baby powder start with a tiny amount and build it up). Sephora and other beauty supply stores sell dry shampoos, which can come in powder forms that smell clean and are applied similarly to the baby powder, they also come in aerosol which is more convent as you can just spray it and move around with your hand. Also if you brush your hair scalp to ends in many different directions so your hair is really oily before you wash your hair (you can shampoo your hair up to two times if necessary), it helps disperse the oils and will create shiner hair, healthier hair. You can also blow dry your hair with cool air which helps lock in the oil.

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